In Satya Yuga, Pulastya Muni approached Dronacala, the king of the mountains, and he told him that he was from Kasi (Varanasi) and that although the Ganges River flows through Kasi, there was not any nice mountains there. He then asked Dronacala for his son Govardhana. Dronacala was depressed and started to cry, pleading with the sage that he could not bear the separation from his son Govardhana. The sage became furious and was going to curse Dronacala. Govardhana then spoke and said he would go with the sage, under the condition that wherever the sage would put him down, he would remain, which Pulastya agreed to.
Pulastya Muni then took Govardhana and started for his ashrama. While passing through Braja Mandala, Govardhana though it would be a great place to stay, and through his mystic power he influenced Palastya to have to answer the call of nature. He then put Govardhana down. When he returned, he found that he could not move Govardhana. He became very angry and then cursed Govardhana to shrink the size of a mustard seed (some say it is a sesame seed) daily. At that time Govardhana Hill was very large. It is said that Govardhana at that time was 115 km (64 miles) long, 72 km (40 miles) wide and 29 km (16 miles) high. Now the hill is only 25m (80 feet) high at its highest point. It is said that at the end of Kali Yuga that Govardhana will be completely gone.
Another story about Govardhana Hill is that the monkey army of Lord Rama was carrying different stones to construct a bridge to Lanka. This happened in Treta Yuga, when Lord Rama was getting ready to attack Lanka. Hanuman was carrying Govardhana from the Himalayas to help build the bridge. This was on the fifth day of construction. As Hanuman was carrying Govardhana over Braja, Nala and Neela, who were in charge of building the bridge declared that it was completed and no more stones were needed. When Hanuman heard this, he was in Braja Mandala and he placed Govardhana there. Govardhana then starting crying that he was lost in two ways. Now he was taken away from being close to Lord Siva, who lives in the Himalayas and he would not be able to be used in the service of Lord Rama and therefore, be able to see Him. Rama heard about Govardhana crying and said that in Dwapara Yuga he would be born as Sri Krishna and would hold Govardhana up for seven days and nights to save the residents of Braja.
Adi Varaha Purana
Govardhan Restricts its Size
Sri Garga Samhita Canto Three Chapter Nine Sri Girirajotpatti -The Birth of Sri Giriraja
Text 1
sri-bahulasva uvaca
aho govardhanah sakshad
girirajo hari-priyah
tat-samanam na tirtham hi
vidyate bhu-tale divi
Sri Bahulasva said: Govardhana Hill is dear to Lord Hari. It is the king of mountains. No holy place in the earthly or heavenly planets is equal to it.
Text 2
kada babhuva sri-krishna-
vakshaso 'yam girisvarah
etad vada maha-buddhe
tvam sakshad dhari-manasah
When was Govardhana Hill born from Lord Krishna's chest? O wise and intelligent one, please tell me that. You know what is in Lord Krishna's heart.
Text 3
sri-narada uvaca
srinu rajan maha-mate
catush-padartha-dam nrinam
Sri Narada said: O noble-hearted king, please hear the story of Goloka's birth, a story that brings to human beings the four goals of life, a story filled with transcendental pastimes.
Text 4
anadir atma purusho
nirgunah prakriteh parah
paripurnatamah sakshac
chri-krishno bhagavan prabhuh
Sri Krishna is the Supreme Lord. He is a person. He has no beginning. He is perfect and complete. He is the master of all opulences. He is beyond the modes of nature. He is above the realm of matter.
Text 5
pratyag-dhama svayam-jyoti
ramamano nirantaram
yatra kalah kalayatam
isvaro dhama-maninam
Time has no existence in the transcendental abode where the self-effulgent Supreme Personality of Godhead enjoys pastimes eternally.
Text 6
rajan na prabhaven maya
na mahams ca gunah kutah
na visanti kvacid rajan
manas citto matir hy aham
O king, illusion has no power in that realm. Neither do the mahat-tattva, nor the material modes of nature have any power there. How can they? O king, the material heart, mind, intelligence and false-ego cannot enter there.
Text 7
sva-dhamni brahma sakaram
icchaya vyaracikarat
prathamam cabhavac chesho
bisha-sveto brihad-vapuh
In His own abode the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose form is spiritual, desired to expand, and so He manifested the form of Lord Sesha, who has gigantic white coils.
Text 8
tad-utsange maha-loko
goloko loka-vanditah
yam prapya bhakti-samyuktah
punar avartate na hi
The Lord's realm, Goloka, is worshiped by all the worlds. A devotee who goes there never returns to the world of birth and death.
Text 9
golokadhipateh prabhoh
punah padabja-sambhutah
ganga tri-patha-gamini
The Ganga, which travels through the three material worlds, was born from the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, who is the master of countless material universes and the ruler of the spiritual realm of Goloka.
Text 10
punar vamamsatas tasya
krishnabhut saritam vara
reje sringara-kusumair
yathoshnin-mudrita nripa
O king, the Yamuna, the best of rivers, who wore a turban and many flower ornaments, was manifested from Lord Krishna's left shoulder.
Text 11
sri-rasa-mandalam divyam
gulphabhyam sri-hareh prabhoh
The splendid rasa-dance circle, made of gold and jewels, and decorated with many ornaments, was manifested from Lord Krishna's ankles.
Texts 12 and 13
mandapaih pariveshtitah
mayuraih shatpadair vyaptah
sarobhih parishevitah
jato nikunjo janghabhyam
sri-krishnasya mahatmanah
Filled with assembly-houses, courtyards, pathways, pavilions, peacocks, bees, and cooing cuckoos, flooded with the sweetness of spring, and decorated with many lakes, a forest grove was manifested from Lord Krishna's legs.
Text 14
vrindavanam ca janubhyam
rajan sarva-vanottamam
lila-sarovarah sakshad
urubhyam paramatmanah
O king, Vrindavana, the best of all forests, was manifested from Lord Krishna's knees, and Lila-sarovara lake was manifested from His thighs.
Text 15
kati-desat svarna-bhumer
udare roma-rajis ca
madhavyo vistrita latah
A golden place splendid with gold and jewels was manifested from His hips. Many flowering madhavi vines were manifested from the line of hairs on His abdomen.
Text 16
nana-pakshi-ganair vyapta
su-pushpa-phala-bharais ca
natah sat-kulaja iva
These vines were filled with many different birds and decorated with buzzing bees. Burdened with many flowers and fruits, they bowed down as if they were many saintly girls.
Text 17
sri-nabhi-pankajat tasya
pankajani sahasrasah
sarahsu hari-lokasya
tani rejur itas tatah
From the Lord's lotus navel many thousands of lotus flowers were manifested. They shone very splendidly in the many lakes of Lord Krishna's transcendental abode.
Text 18
tri-bali-prantato vayur
manda-gamy ati-sitalah
jatru-desac chubha jata
mathura dvaraka-puri
From the three folds of skin at the Lord's waist was manifested a gentle and cooling breeze. From His collar were manifested the cities of Mathura and Dvaraka.
Text 19
bhujabhyam sri-harer jata
nandas ca mani-bandhabhyam
upanandah karagratah
From Lord Krishna's arms were manifested His eight friends headed by Sridama. From the Lord's wrists Nanda was manifested, and from the Lord's hands Upananda was manifested.
Text 20
sarve vai vrishabhanavah
sarve gopa-gana nripa
O king, from Sri Krishna's shoulder-blades all the Vrishabhanus were manifested. From the hairs of Sri Krishna's body all the gopas were manifested.
Text 21
sri-krishna-manaso gavo
vrisha dharma-dhurandharah
buddher yavasa-gulmani
babhuvur maithilesvara
O king of Mithila, from Sri Krishna's mind were manifested the cows and bulls, the upholders of religion. From Sri Krishna's intelligence were manifested the grass, plants, and shrubs.
Text 22
tad-vamamsat samudbhutam
gauram tejah sphurat-prabham
lila srir bhus ca viraja
tasmaj jata hareh priyah
From the Lord's left shoulder was manifested a golden splendor that was His beloveds: Lila, Sri, Bhu, and Viraja.
Text 23
lilavati priya tasya
tam radham tu viduh pare
sri-radhaya bhujabhyam tu
visakha lalita sakhi
One of His beloveds is Lilavati. The wise know His dearest beloved is Radha. From Radha's arms are manifested Her friends Lalita and Visakha.
Text 24
sahacaryas tatha gopyo
radha-romodbhava nripa
evam goloka-racanam
cakara madhusudanah
O king, Her gopi-assistants were manifested from the hairs of Radha's body. In this way Lord Krishna manifested the world of Goloka.
Text 25
vidhaya sarvam nija-lokam ittham
sri-radhaya tatra raraja rajan
asankhya-lokanda-patih paratma
parah paresah paripurna-devah
After thus manifesting His own abode, Lord Krishna, the perfect and complete Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of countless universes, shone with great glory in Sri Radha's company there.
Texts 26-28
tatraikada sundara-rasa-mandale
sri-malatinam su-vitana-jalatah
su-kantha-gitadi-manohare pare
sri-sundari-rasa-rase manorame
madhya-sthitam koti-manoja-mohanam
jagada radha-patim urjaya gira
kritva kataksham rasa-dana-kausalam
One day, in the beautiful rasa-dance circle, which was filled with the tinkling of anklets and with courtyards splendid with pearls and parasols, awnings of flowering malati vines fragrant with nectar honey, sounds of flute and mridanga, and beautiful singing from beautiful throats, and which was beautiful with many beautiful girls, Radha cast a sidelong glance at Lord Krishna, who is more charming that many millions of Kamadevas, and who generously gives the sweetest nectar. She spoke to Him the following words.
Text 29
yadi rase prasanno 'si
mama premna jagat-pate
tadaham prarthanam tvam tu
karomi manasi sthitam
Sri Radha said: O Lord of the worlds, if You are pleased with My love in this rasa-dance, then there is a desire in My heart I would like to place before You.
Text 30
sri-bhagavan uvaca
iccham varaya vamoru
ya te manasi vartate
na deyam yadi yad vastu
premna dasyami tat priye
The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O girl with the beautiful thighs, You may ask for whatever Your heart desires. O beloved, if I have not already given it, I will lovingly give whatever You wish.
Text 31
vrindavane divya-nikunja-parsve
krishna-tate rasa-rasaya yogyam
rahah-sthalam tvam kurutan manojnam
manoratho 'yam mama deva-deva
Sri Radha said: In splendid Vrindavana forest, in a beautiful and secluded place by the Yamuna's shore, please make an arena for a nectar rasa-dance. O Lord of lords, this is My desire.
Text 32
sri-narada uvaca
tathastu coktva bhagavan
raho-yogyam vicintayan
sva-netra-pankajabhyam tu
hridayam sandadarsa ha
Sri Narada said: Saying, "So be it", the Lord meditated. With His lotus eyes he looked inside His heart.
Text 33
tadaiva krishna-hridayad
gopi-vyuhasya pasyatah
nirgatam sa-jalam tejo
'nuragasyeva cankuram
As the gopis watched, Krishna's love, in a form of fire and water, came from His heart as a sprout comes up from the ground.
Text 34
patitam rasa-bhumau tad
vavridhe parvatakriti
ratna-dhatu-mayam divyam
Falling onto the ground of the rasa-dance circle, that love grew into a great mountain filled with many caves and swiftly-moving streams, . . .
Text 35
. . . beautiful with kadamba, bakula, and asoka trees and a great network of flowering vines, opulent with mandara and kunda flowers, and filled with graceful birds.
Text 36
kshana-matrena vaideha
sata-kotir yojananam
lambitam seshavat punah
O king of Videha, in a single moment that mountain became eight hundred thousand miles wide and eight billion miles long. It was like another Ananta Sesha.
Text 37
urdhvam samunnatam jatam
karindra-vat sthitam sasvat
It was four billion miles tall. It is four billion miles tall eternally. It was like a gigantic elephant.
Text 38
sringanam satakaih sphurat
uccakaih svarna-kalasaih
prasadam iva maithila
It had a hundred eighty-million-mile-tall peaks. O king of Mithila, it was like a great palace with many golden domes.
Text 39
govardhanakhyam tac cahuh
sata-sringam tathapare
evam-bhutam tu tad api
vardhitam manasotsukam
Some called this mountain Govardhana and others called it Satasringa (a hundred peaks). The mountain expanded as much as its heart wished.
Text 40
kolahale tada jate
goloke bhaya-vihvale
vikshyotthaya harih sakshad
dhastenasu tatada tam
As the mountain expanded, Goloka became filled with fear and there was a great uproar. Lord Krishna at once stood up and slapped the mountain with His hand
Text 41
kim vardhase bho pracchinnam
lokam acchadya tishthasi
kim va na caite vasitum
tac-chantim akarod dharih
He said, "Why do You expand so much? You have covered the entire realm! Why do you not stop at once?" In this way Krishna stopped the mountain from growing any further.
Text 42
samvikshya tam giri-varam
prasanna bhagavat-priya
tasmin rahah-sthale rajan
raraja harina saha
Gazing at this best of mountains, Lord Krishna's beloved Radha was very pleased. O king, She enjoyed pastimes with Krishna in a secluded place on that mountain.
Text 43
so 'yam giri-varah sakshac
chri-krishnena pranoditah
sarva-tirtha-mayah syamo
ghana-syamah sura-priyah
In this way Govardhana Hill, which is the best of mountains, which is dear to the Lord, which is dark as a monsoon cloud, and which contains within itself all holy places, was manifested by Lord Krishna.