Five Skulls Represents Five Senses (Indriyan =>Indra)
Text 20
jalaugham agatam vikshya bhagavams tad-girer adhah sudarshanam tatha shesham manasajnam cakara ha
jala—of water; augham—a flood; agatam—come; vikshya—seeing; bhagavan—the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tad-gireh—the hill; adhah—beneath; sudarshanam—Sudarshana-cakra; tatha—so; shesham—Shesha; manasa—with the mind; aj{—.sy 24am—order; cakara—did; ha—certainly.
Seeing a great flood of water coming, in His mind Lord Krishna ordered Lord Shesha and the Sudarshana-cakra to come under the hill.
Text 21
koti-surya-prabham cadrer urdhvam cakram sudarshanam dhara-sampatam apibad agastya iva maithila
koti-surya-prabham—splendid as ten million suns; ca—and; adreh—the hill; urdhvam—above; cakram—the cakra; sudarshanam—Shudarshana; dhara—streams; sampatam—falling; apibat—drank; agastya—Agastya Muni; iva—like; maithila—O king of Mithila.
Brilliant as ten million suns, the Sudarshana-cakra hovered above the hill and drank up the falling streams of water as Agastya Muni drank up the ocean.
Text 22
adho 'dhas tam gireh sheshah kundali-bhuta asthitah rurodha taj-jalam dirgham yatha vela mahodadhim
adhah adhah—lower and lower; tam—that; gireh—of the hill; sheshah—Shesha; kundali-bhuta—coiled up; asthitah—stood; rurodha—stopped; taj-jalam—that water; dirgham—great; yatha—as; vela—the shoreline; mahodadhim—the great ocean.
Coiling Himself around the hill, Shesha stopped the incoming flood as a shoreline stops the waters of an ocean.